My guest today is a best-selling author and a quirky, wilderness woman who is deeply connected with nature. She comes from a long family lineage of Cunning Folk and was brought up a spirit keeper in the old magical traditions of Britain. She trained as a transpersonal psychotherapist and was thrilled to discover how the transpersonal perspective meshed with the old magical ways she’d been brought up in. She initially opened a practice in London but was always more at home in the wilderness, so she and her husband moved to the Welsh Marches. Her bragging rights include dancing for Arlene Philips; taking contemporary dance class with Robert Cohen; flying in a Jaguar fighter aircraft; and being kissed by Mick Jagger! She loves cats, and eats paleo, and her tag-line is “If the cat and the boyfriend disagree, get rid of the boyfriend!” Welcome to Authors Over 50, Elen Sentier.